Classic BaseOil Color is a colored version of Classic BaseOil, available in a unique number of standard colors. The colors can be mixed individually to customize each single floor.

Product Details


Shelf Life:
36 months*


Dry Time:
24 hrs.**


Sheens / Color Shades:
Standard Colors: Safety Data Sheet Pine, Oak, Azobe, Smoke, Oak Old, Pernambuco, Teak, Bastard Teak, Walnut, Ebony, Wenge, Lemon, Red Orange, Orange, Red, Violet, Blue, Green, Old Pink, Dove Blue, Pastel Turquoise, Burgundy, NaturalWhite, Pure White, Cashmere White, Reed Green, Cement Grey, Silver Grey, Platinum Grey, Green Grey, Basalt Grey, Grey Brown, Black, Deep Black
Trend Colors: Cappucino, Olive, Salvia, Pearl White, Cape Cod Antique, Alaska Driftwood, Vanilla, Dune Sand, Caramel, Glacier, Ice Blue, Laguna, Magnolia, Latte Macchiato, Pink Lady, Mint, Caribbean, Ocean, Ultra White, White Oak

5 l
1 l
0,125 l

63 x 5 l
280 x 1 l

Consumption Calculator

Deviations may occur depending on the working method and substrate. Please also refer to the technical data sheet.

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